Jan 30, 2000

You Are From Hazleton If...

This list started out as a chain email that pretty much everyone I knew in my hometown had in their inbox at some point or another.  Even my grandmother, who would be the first to tell you that she doesn't even know how to turn a computer on, had a paper copy of the list that one of my grandfather's co-workers at Tunnessen's gave to him.

I have no idea who started the list, but it has grown over the years as folks added their own entries to the bottom of the list before forwarding the email on to their friends and family.  One version was published on a Tripod webpage called There's Something About Hazleton, and I can definitely relate to more than a few of the things on this list.  If you're from the Hazleton area, chances are that you will too.... henna or no?

Jan 14, 2000

Postage Due

The US Post Office have released a series of stamps called Celebrate The Century to commemorate the events of the 20th century.  The 1980's sub-series was released yesterday, which includes this one featuring two children playing Defender.  This stamp was designed by Carl Herrman, illustrated by Robert Rodriguez, and printed by Ashton-Potter.

Jan 2, 2000

My Nerdy Corner Of The World

This is my little nerdy corner of the world.  The Mac Tonight sign hanging on the wall is a translite that once hung on the menu board at a McDonald's in the 80's.  I found it on eBay, and my grandfather and I bought wood, lighting and some wiring and built a backlit box for it so that it has the same 3-D effect that it had when it was hanging in the restaurant.

Jan 1, 2000

The Dawn Of A New Century

The Great Century
René Magritte
We've all survived the dreaded Y2K bug.  Happy new millennium.