Heart Eyes
Spyglass Media Group (2025)Well, I can't say that it didn't make me laugh, but this was a really stupid movie. The best part of
Heart Eyes is the opening credits which show a montage of news clips about the Heart Eyes Killer (or HEK) mysteriously popping up in a different city every year on Valentine's Day to kill couples and anyone else who got in their way. At that point, I was thinking that this was going to be an modern old school slasher flick along the lines of
Thanksgiving, but... nope. It's a slapstick comedy that's dripping with sarcasm along the lines of the current era of Saturday Night Live.
A lot of the reviews I've read are comparing this movie to
Scream for reasons that will become obvious in the final act, but this movie has about as much in common with Scream as a day old McDonald's cheeseburger has to do with a ribeye steak. Heart Eyes was an idea that had so much potential to become a horror classic, but the finished product is about as disposable as a film can get.