Jun 12, 2009

An Evening At The Quarter

The Quarter At Tropicana
Atlantic City, NJ
For reasons that I can't fully explain, I enjoy spending time at indoor spaces that are designed to make you feel like you're outdoors.  The restaurant area in The Quarter At Tropicana is an excellent example of this.

The Quarter opened in November 2004, and it's the home to dozens of stores, clubs and restaurants in a setting that looks like a town from an old JRPG, with fountains, palm trees and stone archways.

Turning this corner brings you to a two floor restaurant courtyard with dim lighting and a blue ceiling with painted clouds that makes it feel like an outdoor environment.  

The courtyard area is a mixture of stores, restaurants, and an IMAX theater, which is where we were headed.  We had already eaten by the time we made our way to this part of the casino, but I'm definitely going to have to sample some of these restaurants next time we're in town.  The two that I'm the most interested in stopping at are a Cuban themed restaurant and rum bar called Cuba Libre, and a Soviet themed place called Red Square.