Sep 26, 2014

A Sticker And Decal Time Capsule

Cosmos Crystal
Bloomsburg Fair (2014)
This was my favorite stand at the Bloomsburg Fair when I was in high school.  It's still one of my favorites today, but for different reasons.  This place has a lot of things for sale that I didn't take pictures of, but here's a small sampling of their merchandise.

The wall behind this stand is covered with stickers and decals, many of which are music related.  The thing that I love about this place is that while they do have a few new things in stock every year, they don't seem to remove any of the old stock unless it sells out.  It's not super uncommon to see merchandise for some classic rock bands like Ozzy, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles, but I can't imagine that too many stores have Mad Season and Mother Love Bone decals in their display case.

I had the Smashing Pumpkins sticker from the top photo and the Sublime license plate sticker, the ICP sticker next to it, and the Rage Against The Machine sticker in the bottom right corner of the bottom photo on my car when I was 17 years old, and I'm pretty sure that I bought all four of them from this stand when I was a teenager.

These helmet stickers are so stupid that they're funny.  Most of these are exactly the same as the ones they had back in the late 90's.  I don't remember ever buying any of them, but I know that I looked through them every year.  My favorite part is how the people who run this shop try to censor the profanity with a black magic marker.

The glass case on the side of the stand has stacks of patches.  Like the helmet stickers, they're not the kind of thing I was into as a teenager, but I sort of regret not buying the Rocky & Bullwinkle ones this year.

These kind of speak for themselves, but the size of these may not come across too well in the picture.  Each one of them is about the size of one of my shoes.  I just like to imagine the scene of some dufus meticulously measuring their back windshield for optimal placement of their new "lick me" and "honk if you're horney" decals.