Jun 26, 2023

Showtime At Sundown

Showtime At Sundown
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company (2022)
Last season, the Mahoning Drive-In Theater partnered with the Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company to produce a lager that they describe as a throwback beer with a light malty body, a hint of sweetness, and a dry finish.  It's brewed with 2-Row Malt, flaked rice, and corn sugar with a touch of Herkules and Tettnang hops.  It's called Showtime At Sundown.

Showtime At Sundown was announced in April 2022.  It was introduced at the Mahoning on a weekend last season that we weren't able to make it out to, but the folks at Neshaminy Creek had a table set up on Friday.  We picked up a case which I split with my dad, and I tried it for the first time yesterday afternoon while we were watching the Phillies game and it's very good!

The can label for Showtime At Sundown is a work of art.  It shows folks sitting on top of their vehicles for Weekend Of Terror 3 at the Mahoning Drive-In Theater with the silhouette of Elliot flying his bike in front of the moon with ET in his basket.  They took a few creative liberties with the mountain range behind the screen, and I strongly advise that you do not sit on the roof of your car, but it's an incredible label nevertheless.