May 23, 2024

Soon... Kali Ma Will Rule The World

Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom
Paramount Pictures (1984)
The second chapter in the Indiana Jones saga premiered in theaters across the United States 40 years ago today.

Although I was too young to see this in theaters back in 1984, I watched this movie countless times when I was growing up in the 80's.  My family never subscribed to any pay channels other than basic cable, but my grandfather made a note of whenever HBO, Cinemax, or The Disney Channel was having a free preview weekends, and he'd set the timer on his VCR to record whatever movies he thought I might like.  Those tapes laid the groundwork for what would become a lifelong love of movies, and I probably watched the one that had Temple Of Doom on it at least a hundred times before I was old enough for middle school.