Mar 1, 2023

Coconut Cola

Move Transformation Cola
Coca-Cola (2023)
Around this time last year, Cola Cola released an outstanding limited edition "Space Flavored" soda called Starlight.  It tasted so much like cotton candy grapes that I'm convinced that it was one of the ingredients that they used in the formula.  Their newest limited edition product is a "Transformation Flavored" soda called Move.  Their website describes it in the following way:

The newest Coca-Cola® Creation, co-created with one of the most daring artists in music today, is a celebration of transformation. A homage to all the versions of ourselves that coexist within us, and that forms our very own personality. Coca-Cola® Move is a tribute to the different faces of transformation, mixing a great, but familiar Coca-Cola® taste with both bold and delicate flavors. 

Umm... ok.

In case you were wondering, "all the versions of ourselves that coexist within us and form our very own personality" tastes like coconut.  Setting aside the ridiculous copy that they're using to promote this beverage, Coca-Cola and coconut is a delicious combination!

The regular version doesn't taste all that different from the Zero Sugar one, so if you want to drink out of a can that looks like it was endorsed by Bret "The Hitman" Hart and you're trying to limit your sugar intake, go ahead and save yourself the calories.